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Definition of "stont" []

  • 3d pers. sing. present of stand.

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "stont" in a sentence
  • "And in that contree is an old castelle, that stont upon a roche, the whiche is cleped the Castelle of the Sparrehawk, that is bezonde the cytee of"
  • "And it was somtyme a cytee of Cristenemen, fulle fair; but it is now destroyed: and it stont upon the see."
  • "After for to speke of Jerusalem, the holy cytee, zee schulle undirstonde, that it stont fulle faire betwene hilles: and there ben no ryveres ne welles; but watre comethe be condyte from Ebron."
Words like "stont"