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Definition of "sting-ray" [sting-ray]

  • A batoid fish of the family Trygonidæ, as Trygon (or Dasybatis) pastinaca, having a long, smooth, flexible, lash-like tail armed near the base with a bony spine several inches long, sharp at the point, and serrated along the sides. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "sting-ray" in a sentence
  • "Trade is much older than farming: Australian aborigines used to trade stone axes for sting-ray barbs over long distances, showing that hunter-gatherers can benefit from exchange."
  • "The walls of one room are covered in white sting-ray hides, while another is covered in hand-stitched calf's leather."
  • "“The sting-ray inside his left ankle, denoting membership of the gang he formed with four friends – including his stunt double Eddie Braun and Nicolas Cage – back in the summer of 1990, when they all owned vintage Corvette Stingray sports cars ‘and some permanent logo was needed’.”"