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Definition of "stagily" []

  • In a stagy way. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "stagily" in a sentence
  • "The humiliation of failing to secure pay-per-view rights to the event must have hit the old guy hard, and though he tried to chuck in the odd zinger - "I wish they'd leave me alone", he lamented stagily of a succession of fawning British prime ministers - it was clear that enhancing the viewer experience out of the goodness of his heart was anathema to him."
  • "This powerhouse is made to sing "Tests" – the standout track from previous performances – too stagily, in a costume accessorised with beads and feathers."
  • "Even food items will have to compete for their all-important text vote before they can be persuaded to upload them off their plates, while a table-side panel of Gordon Ramsay, Lorraine Kelly and David Icke bickers stagily about the respective merits of the chip and the steak."
Words like "stagily"