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Definition of "spoon-feeding" []

  • Present participle of spoon-feed. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "spoon-feeding" in a sentence
  • "If those two self-important blowhards Limbaugh and Beck are the most influential conservatives in the country, Democrats can rest easy knowing that Republicans are happily swallowing whatever pablum these two oafs are spoon-feeding the righties who don't want to actually think for themselves."
  • "Hence Hodder's attempt to update the language of the Famous Five: a spoon-feeding bowdlerisation that underestimates both the intelligence of children and the importance of historical accuracy."
  • "But here is a guess: instead of sticking to your own logic and applying it consistently to the actual facts of the situation, you will now abandon that logic because it no longer fits the narratives the right wing echo chamber has been spoon-feeding you."
Words like "spoon-feeding"