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Definition of "speechifier" [speech•i•fi•er]

  • One who speechifies. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "speechifier" in a sentence
  • "Rifle-shots and execrations were discharged together against the notorious enemy of their pinfolds; who nothing daunted, and nothing loath, let fly his own "speechifier," as he denominated his rifle, in return, accompanying the salute with divers yells and maledictions, in which latter he showed himself, to say the truth, infinitely superior to his antagonists."
  • "Given such an ahistorical context, it should come as no surprise that the unannounced go-to guy going for the Republican Presidential nomination in the future-perfect year of 2012 is former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a historian in his own right -- and a novelist and an anti-jihad documentarian and a Fox News analyst and a speechifier for hire."
  • "Just a few weeks ago, Pope Barack was praised far and wide as a top-notch speechifier."