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Definition of "sorosis" []

  • Any multiple fleshy fruit that is derived from the ovaries of multiple flowers (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "sorosis" in a sentence
  • ""Well, I sat up for three weeks running, with one of them girls -- the red-haired one, till she died off of sorosis of the liver --""
  • ""Without going too much into detail, madam -- for you would probably not understand it, anyway -- I concede that great care is going to be necessary here; otherwise exudation of the esophagus is nearly sure to ensue, and this will be followed by ossification and extradition of the maxillaris superioris, which must decompose the granular surfaces of the great infusorial ganglionic system, thus obstructing the action of the posterior varioloid arteries, and precipitating compound strangulated sorosis of the valvular tissues, and ending unavoidably in the dispersion and combustion of the marsupial fluxes and the consequent embrocation of the bicuspid populo redax referendum rotulorum.""