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Definition of "sorbing" []

  • Present participle of sorb. (verb)
  • Absorption or adsorption (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "sorbing" in a sentence
  • ""Beautiful play!" the Citizen said as they bounced together on the turf, their light armor ab - sorbing most of the shock of impact."
  • "She said nothing at first, for she liked to hear him laugh out his big, hearty laugh when anything funny happened, so she left him to discover it for himself, and presently forgot all about it, for to hear a German read Schiller is rather an ab - sorbing occupation."
  • "Jeanine Dilley, who came into the 911 District four years ago as the district's director, has become the district's lightning rod, ab-sorbing a lot of flak."