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Definition of "somersaulted" []

  • Simple past tense and past participle of somersault. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "somersaulted" in a sentence
  • "But it was the response to his Rivonia Trial speech, called throughout the world the I Am Prepared To Die Speech, which kind of somersaulted him and the African National Congress and the need to put an end to apartheid into the world consciousness."
  • "Kahn apparently also discredited Mandela as a "self-confessed liar and hitman" who had first implicated three UDM members in the killing and then "somersaulted" and implicated the six ANC members."
  • "While the green car spun harmlessly to a halt, the red machine somersaulted up the sloping bank on the outside of the track, striking the wire fencing before falling back in a heap of disintegration."
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