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Definition of "sociologist" [so•ci•ol•o•gist]

  • A scientist studying the field of sociology; a social scientist (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "sociologist" in a sentence
  • "This constituted the bowling alone phenomenon, a term sociologist Robert Putnum famously coined to describe the diminishment of American community life."
  • "In publishing the list of the Commissioners, when I came to Clark's appointment, I added: "As a sociologist—the President assuming that for the purposes of such a Commission, the term sociologist means a man who has thought and studied deeply on social questions and has practically applied his knowledge.""
  • "In publishing the list of the Commissioners, when I came to Clark's appointment, I added: "As a sociologist -- the President assuming that for the purposes of such a Commission, the term sociologist means a man who has thought and studied deeply on social questions and has practically applied his knowledge.""