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Definition of "sociolect" []

  • The variant of language used by a social group such as a socioeconomic class, an ethnic group, an age group, etc. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "sociolect" in a sentence
  • "I have gotten a couple excellent papers, though: one on black English; one on dive bar sociolects; one of the sociolect of hang-gliders; one examining the use of color in Howl's Moving Castle."
  • "I got sick of reading papers on the history of words, which is what I used to assign in History of the English Language, so I sent them all out to research a dialect or a sociolect for their papers this time."
  • "My history major, here from Fort Chaffee, did his on the sociolect of the recruits in basic training, noting that it's influenced by languages from all over the country and the world, since the recruits come from everywhere, and by incidents that have happened at bases all over the country."
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