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Definition of "slaloming" []

  • Present participle of slalom. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "slaloming" in a sentence
  • "• I like brussels sproups, but only if they have been frozen on the vine (it makes them sugar) • When I walk I often entertain myself by visualizing points in front of me and "slaloming" around them following bezier curves."
  • "Two minutes later Messi won the ball on the halfway line before beating three defenders in a slaloming run into the penalty area."
  • "He was hit six times by machine gun bullets that evening (including one which severed his right middle finger, and a chest shot which was stopped by his cigarette case), he would later transfer and train with the Royal Canadian Air Force, and learn to fly an artillery observation plane, becoming notorious for slaloming between telegraph poles to show it could be done."
Words like "slaloming"