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Definition of "shagreened" []

  • Covered in shagreen (adjective)
  • Having a rough surface similar to that of shagreen (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "shagreened" in a sentence
  • "The female lays from three to five large and beautifully shagreened green eggs upon a bed of leaves, the male and female sitting upon them alternately for about a month."
  • "Abdomen yellowish brown, above sprinkled with dark brown, the edges of each segment with several small wart-like prominences; two first segments being also shagreened at the sides, beneath pitchy brown, segments at the base black with green reflections; the femora are pitchy brown; the tibiAe pale yellowish with black spines; the tarsi of a deeper yellow; head dark brown, the trophi and a narrow line on the cheeks yellowish; antennae somewhat ferruginous."