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Definition of "sequestrated" []

  • Simple past tense and past participle of sequestrate. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "sequestrated" in a sentence
  • "Therefore she knew he had not murdered Katie; but she believed that he had "sequestrated" her in some way."
  • "An estimated 5 gigatonnes or 15 per cent of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions - the principal greenhouse gas - are being absorbed or 'sequestrated' by forests every year, making them the"
  • "The former Scottish trade union leader Bill Speirs and I were dispatched by the Scottish Labour Party to try and talk Alistair Darling down from the ledge of this kamikaze strategy, pointing out that thousands of workers from home helps to headteachers would lose their jobs as a result and that the council leaders - including him - would be sequestrated, bankrupted and possibly incarcerated."
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