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Definition of "sensualizing" []

  • Present participle of sensualize. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "sensualizing" in a sentence
  • "Though their intoxication reveals the wounds culture inflicts, and their inebriation and eroticism illuminates a manic and ravenous turn away from those fractures, still, in drinking, eating, sensualizing, and stealing, these young women achieve a brief and exhilarating victory as they steal their bodies back."
  • "We have already noted that in order for finite minds to perceive bodies, sensations of color and light must play an important role in ˜sensualizing™ and"
  • "That which begins in the heart ennobles the whole animal being, but that which begins in the inferior departments of our being is the most entire degradation and sensualizing of the soul."
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