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Definition of "secularly" []

  • In a secular fashion. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "secularly" in a sentence
  • "With the former statement I wholly agree; and in the latter go further than Lord Haldane and say that in my opinion, the American Revolution was the most important event in the world in its century, being the initiation of the change from the Old British Empire which it destroyed, to the New British Empire, our glory and our pride, which secularly is the greatest and most efficient power for good in the world."
  • "The second would be secularly-motivated and cause the harm."
  • "And it's the aura foregrounded here that, over time, restores something to art that, if not sacred then at least secularly significant as to how installations and not curatorial fictive zeitgeists impact its experience."