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Definition of "scolopendra" []

  • A mythical sea-creature, reputed to be able to disgorge its bowels to dislodge any fishing-hook. (noun)
  • A centipede or millipede. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "scolopendra" in a sentence
  • "We came across the odd scorpion and an immense creature called scolopendra gigantean, which resembles a giant earwig and is one of the largest insects in the world."
  • "The so-called fox-shark, when it finds it has swallowed the hook, tries to get rid of it as the scolopendra does, but not in the same way; in other words, it runs up the fishing-line, and bites it off short; it is caught in some districts in deep and rapid waters, with night-lines."
  • "Insects that are long in shape and many-footed can live for a long while after being cut in twain, and the severed portions can move in either direction, backwards or forwards; thus, the hinder portion, if cut off, can crawl either in the direction of the section or in the direction of the tail, as is observed in the scolopendra."