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Definition of "scarped" []

  • Past participle of scarp (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "scarped" in a sentence
  • "An immense quantity of water bordered to the north and south by some scarped mountains, located 14 leagues south of Guadalajara, the capital of the Department of Jalisco (formerly the province of New Galicia), and 130 leagues west of Mexico City, is known by the name Lake Chapala, derived from the name of the old village of Chapala, situated on the western shore of the lake."
  • "The Castle, in this aspect also, rose considerably above the neighboring ground, but the elevation of the site, which towards the torrent was an abrupt rock, was on this side a steep eminence, which had been scarped like a modern glacis, to render the building more secure."
  • "On either side of me, huge, scarped walls of rock-like substance rose sheer."
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