A comprehensive group of vertebrates, comprising the reptiles and birds.(noun-plural)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "sauropsida" in a sentence
"Tom MH: The wiki diagram that ID guy linked to is misleading in that it places reptilia in the position where one might normally find the clade sauropsida, and indicates that reptilia is a monophyletic group."
"The wiki diagram that ID guy linked to is misleading in that it places reptilia in the position where one might normally find the clade sauropsida, and indicates that reptilia is a monophyletic group."
""toys" by just me "me" Customer tags: dinosaurs (2), paleontology (2), ancient marine reptiles (2), toys, deinosuchus, carnegie, sauropsida"