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Definition of "river-god" [river-god]

  • A deity supposed to preside over a river as its tutelary divinity: in art generally represented as a reclining figure, often with an urn from which water flows, and other distinguishing attributes. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "river-god" in a sentence
  • "I loved the griffin assault on the castle, and the river-god sequence or whatever that was (they didn't really explain that well)."
  • ""I think it's the river-god, but hush," said Lucy."
  • "Achilles that he should get money out of the Greeks before he assisted them; or the meanness of Achilles himself in taking gifts from Agamemnon; or his requiring a ransom for the body of Hector; or his cursing of Apollo; or his insolence to the river-god"