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Definition of "revival meeting" []

  • An evangelistic meeting intended to reawaken interest in religion (noun)

WordNet. Princeton University. 2010.

Use "revival meeting" in a sentence
  • "I also remember attending a revival meeting in the Rev. Henry Jackson's meeting-house, at New Bedford, and going up the broad aisle to find a seat, I was met by a good deacon, who told me, in a pious tone, 'We don't allow niggers in here!'"
  • "Finally, after a particularly brilliant exhortation by Abel Ah Yo, replete with brimstone images of hell's burning (he had caught on to Alice's weakness — terror of earthquakes and volcanoes), she gave in and word went out that Alice, "the penitent Phyrne of Honolulu," would tell her soul in a revival meeting at his tabernacle."
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