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Definition of "resurge" []

  • To rise again; experience resurgence. (verb-intransitive)
  • To sweep or surge back again. (verb-intransitive)

American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright (c) 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Use "resurge" in a sentence
  • "Meanwhile, in Afghanistan -- from where Al-Qa'eda plotted to attack us on 9/11 -- their hosts, the Taliban ( 'union of religious scholars') resurge from the mountains, to undo all of the progress we once made there."
  • "When/if there's an economic upswing, will births resurge, and will the effect ripple upward across age brackets will women who would have liked a first, second or third child during the recession but refrained from childbearing in, say, the 35-39 age band go on to have that child in the 40-44 age band, or similarly will those who delayed at 30-34 pay it forward in the 35-39 band, and so on?"
  • "Yet, just as an aircraft carrier cannot turn on a dime, the economy cannot instantly resurge after years of mismanagement and inattention that destabilized its foundations."