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Definition of "reformer" []

  • One who reforms, or who works for reform. (noun)
  • One who was involved in the Reformation. (noun)
  • A device which converts hydrocarbons into a hydrogen-rich mixture of gases. (noun)
  • A device used to convert petroleum refinery naphthas, typically having low octane ratings, into high-octane liquid products called reformates. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "reformer" in a sentence
  • "The Reformers of British origin in Canada are, no doubt, very numerous; and, owing to misconception and other causes, with which the public are now acquainted, were once desirous of hoisting a new flag; but time and reflection have been at work since, and the term reformer in Canada is no longer one with which a word of fewer syllables is synonymous."
  • "During the next few days while watching the Republican Convention, when they bandy around the term reformer it might be useful to remember that Oliver Cromwell also was a reformer."
  • ""Reform" carries positive overtones of courage, and change, improvement, while the word "reformer" has been applied to great heroes like Teddy Roosevelt or Lincoln Steffens who fought for the powerless and the victimized."