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Definition of "reconsecration" []

  • The act of reconsecrating; a second or subsequent consecration. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "reconsecration" in a sentence
  • "When the Maccabees reconsecrated the ancient Temple (Chanukah means "reconsecration") they emptied it of all images -- in this case, the Hellenistic statues celebrating the "gods," who personified familiar human virtues -- warriors for justice, masters of the natural world, protecting fathers, fecund mothers."
  • "There would have to be ceremonies of reconsecration to make all pure again, and that could not be done until truth was out and justice vindicated."
  • "Whatever the reason he is silent, history will judge the President harshly for his failure unless he decides to act now and help inaugurate a reconsecration of the time-honored American values of thrift, saving, hard work, family, and high moral character."