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Definition of "querquedula" []

  • A genus of Anatidæ and subfamily Anatinæ, containing a number of species of all countries, notable for their small size, beauty, and excellence of flesh; the teal. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "querquedula" in a sentence
  • "In the Hadejia-Nguru wetlands the most common waterbirds are white-faced whistling duck (Dendrocygna viduata), garganey (Anas querquedula), northern pintail (Anas acuta), and ruff (Philomachus pugnax)."
  • "Approximately 500,000 garganey (Anas querquedula) and up to 200,000 pintail (Anas acuta) winter here, along with large numbers of ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca), white-winged tern (Chlidonias leucopterus), ruff (Philomachus pugnax), black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa) and other waterbirds."
  • "The Netherlands alone has recorded over four hundred and forty species of avifauna, including the threatened Ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana), Garganey (Anas querquedula), Snipe (Gallinago gallinago), Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), Corn bunting (Miliaria calandra), and Spotted crake (Porzana porzana)."