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Definition of "quelquechose" []

  • A trifle; a kickshaw. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "quelquechose" in a sentence
  • "“Prenez encore quelquechose, monsieur; une pomme cuite, des biscuits, encore une tasse de cafe?”"
  • "Hortense regarded me boldly, and giggled at the same time, while she said, with an air of impudent freedom — “Dictez-nous quelquechose de facile pour commencer, monsieur.”"
  • "I was never crazy about Henry Miller's books, but I once heard him being interviewed on a French radio program (a repeat) and he had this to say about all good novels: "ils ont quelquechose de vécu" (they have a 'lived' quality.)"
Words like "quelquechose"