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Definition of "prone to" []

  • Inclined to; having a tendency to (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "prone to" in a sentence
  • "In the past decade, scientists in the field of autoimmune-disease research have become particularly concerned about mercury for two reasons—first, its increased ubiquity in our environment, and second, a stack of recent data proving that even low-level exposure to mercury, especially in people who are more genetically prone to develop autoimmunity, directly impairs the delicate balance of the immune system, playing a kingpin role in predisposing them to autoimmune disease."
  • "In a 2005 study, six researchers at the University of Florida College of Medicine in Gainesville set out to discover whether mice exposed to organochlorine pesticides would be more prone to develop autoimmune disease."
  • "Both were highly informal, and prone to speak in shorthand, preferring the quick word or phrase, preferably with a twist, to the long-windup, structured presentations that would come from a Chester Bowles."