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Definition of "prolegomena" [prolegomena]

  • Plural form of prolegomenon. An introduction at the start of a book, usually used in plural form. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "prolegomena" in a sentence
  • "The work contains what we may call prolegomena on each of the Four Books, and then excursus on the most difficult and disputed passages."
  • "What would be going down at the G20 'prolegomena' to the vision of the future, whether as the way American as has become under deception; with no health care or welfare for 'the poor' as vast majority, with no caring or compassion evident in triumph of the Stateless, or as to another way; where there are the seeds of compassion; where life isn't all 'dollar and dime' to new global currency as become, or indeed abandoned as concept unworthy; whence there become some meaning to the word 'State' - as in 'United States of America'?"
  • "Yesterday, I had every intention of getting Sirenia Digest #52 laid out, including writing the prolegomena."