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Use "prima" in a sentence
"Ross thinks that duty proper, as he calls it, is a quite different sort of thing from a prima facie duty; the notion of ˜duty™ in ˜prima facie duty™ is a different notion from that in ˜duty proper™."
"WORD CORRECT PRONUNCIATION bivouac _biv'wak_ chargé d'affaires _shar zha'daffar'_ connoisseur _connissur_ dishabille _dis'abil_ ennui _onwe_, not _ongwe_ finale _finah'le_ foyer _fwaya'_ massage _masahzh_ naïve _nah'ev_ papier maché _papya mahsha_ piquant _pe'kant_ prima facie _prima fa'shie_ pro tempore _pro tem'pore_ régime _razhem'_"
"Now, you have got a huge group of people fleeing for the same reason and so UNHCR began addressing refugees as groups en masse, what we call prima facie cases, said Redmond."