In a musical canon, a mark to indicate the point at which the successive voice-parts are to take up the theme; a lead. It has various shapes, as , +, etc.(noun)
The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)
Use "presa" in a sentence
"The grilled presa pork, served with Idiazabal cheese and potato pureed with red pepper, was only lightly cooked so the meat retained its succulence."
"Alcuni hanno accusato Ahmadinejād di essersi messo in mostra [in] in vista della prossima campagna elettorale, mentre altri se la sono presa col resto del [...] 28 April 2009, 23: 51 pm"
"By Design industriale: la presa elettrica con anello facile da scollegare (DA VEDERE!!!) | 3 sul Blog - Tech, Fun e Web 2.0 on January 14, 2009 at 8: 38 am"