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Definition of "preemptory" []

  • Pertaining to preemption. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "preemptory" in a sentence
  • "Many of them involved pre-trial maneuvering such as asking for additional "preemptory" challenges to potential jurors."
  • "If it turns out that the preemptory killing of terrorists happens very often, then we will want to find out if “fast, decisive action” has turned into a policy that should be subject to review, so be it."
  • "First, only courts within the Eighth Circuit are bound by Brady, and it is a virtual certainty that any antitrust suit brought by the NBA players would not be filed in a court within the Eighth Circuit the NBA filed its preemptory legal action in NY, and the players would likely file their suit in an employee-friendly jurisdiction like California."
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