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Definition of "prater" [prat•er]

  • A person who prates; a chatterer. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "prater" in a sentence
  • "This young woman might talk politics, thought her new friend; no male man would call her prater, while she bore herself with that air."
  • "The Editorial Page is consistently an embarrassment, the Opinion Page hasn't updated their contributor rolodex in decades and the paper carries a gaggle of inside-the-beltway dilettantes who almost never add anything of substance to the debate (you know: Broder, Milbank, Kurtz and the other regurgitators of cocktail party prater on the WP payroll)."
  • "The etymology of 'prat' is unclear, but I think it relates to prate 'chatter', which had such derivatives as prater and prattle."