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Definition of "praiseworthily" []

  • In a praiseworthy manner. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "praiseworthily" in a sentence
  • "To be sure we have no parish church, but that is a loss to which I am praiseworthily resigned."
  • "“Mind you, the locals are adopting a praiseworthily Greek attitude toward sinking their precious town funds into that vast sybaritic eyesore-they're planning on renting it for huge sums to all sorts of would-be potentates after Antonius has moved on.”"
  • "I intend, to-day, dear M., to be as disagreeably statistical and as praiseworthily matter-of-factish as the most dogged utilitarian could desire."
Words like "praiseworthily"