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Definition of "ppp" []

  • Pianississimo, very very quiet (abbreviation) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "ppp" in a sentence
  • "/ etc / modprobe. conf to add the following line: alias ppp-compress-18 ppp_mppe. .is this still neccesary, and if so, what does it do?"
  • "Notably, the principal argument of the Rockefeller Foundation, which has taken a leading position, together with New York's Mayor Bloomberg, in promoting the fascist "ppp" program, has been the failure of the Federal and state governments to maintain previously existing levels of infrastructure during the 1968-2008 interval to date, a wrecking of the U.S. economy done in the name of promoting "free trade" advantages for private investors!"
  • "List of countries gdp per capita ppp Wold bank 2009 from wikipedia:"
Words like "ppp"