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Definition of "pottage" [pot•tage]

  • A thick soup or stew of vegetables and sometimes meat. (noun)
  • Archaic Porridge. (noun)

American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright (c) 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Use "pottage" in a sentence
  • "And, when you come to think of it, Jacob's mess of pottage is the most expensive dish on record."
  • "That's a popular delicacy, much more appealing to some tastes than "pottage" - especially when it is said to be a "mess"."
  • "-- French Tr. [34] Literally the passage would run, "Feed me, I pray thee, with that red, that read," the word pottage being understood. "the repetition of the epithet, and the omission of the substantive, indicated the extreme haste and eagerness of the asker."