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Definition of "postponement" []

  • A delay, as a formal delay in a proceeding. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "postponement" in a sentence
  • "In their 8th Rule, therefore, which declares, that while a question is bef ore the Senate, no motion shall be received, unless it be for the previous question, or to postpone, commit or amend the main question, the term postponement must be understood according to their broad use of it, and not in its Parliamentary sense."
  • "The reason for the postponement is the controversy surrounding the issue of wine sales in grocery stores, which at least temporarily has created much uncertainty as to whether the liquor stores would participate in the promotion."
  • "The postponement is down solely to, “personal circumstances of our attorney and has explicitly nothing to do with the content of the case,” says the post."