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Definition of "post-structuralism" []

  • A doctrine that rejects structuralism’s claims to objectivity and emphasises the plurality of meaning. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "post-structuralism" in a sentence
  • "Holding my breath, I gently prised the sticker away from the tissue paper, and unwrapped the bundle, listening carefully for the sound of Pat or David busting in to offer me an espresso or a lecture on post-structuralism."
  • "The posthuman is the point at which the most pressing concerns in gender studies, post-structuralism, cultural materialism & postmodernism converge."
  • "More than anything else, I would say, this changing of the critical guard, the cycling through of formalism, structuralism, post-structuralism, historicism, cultural studies, is what makes academic criticism "less appealing" to non-academic readers."