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Definition of "plasmonics" []

  • A proposed analogy to electronics using plasmons (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "plasmonics" in a sentence
  • "This phenomenon, studied under the name plasmonics, has many promising applications."
  • ""Metal-dielectric materials, also known as plasmonics, can be used to confine an optical field to a very small scale, much smaller than conventional insulators," said Min, lead author on the Nature paper and former postdoctoral researcher in Zhang's Lab, now an assistant professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)."
  • "Other speakers at the symposium include renowned researchers working in an emerging field of physics known as plasmonics, which aims to one day produce computer chips that use light to transmit information along the surfaces of wires, rather than using electrons that travel through the interiors of wires, as is the case with conventional computers."