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Definition of "picnic basket" []

  • A basket or hamper used to carry food and utensils to a picnic. (noun)
  • The food in a basket taken to a picnic. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "picnic basket" in a sentence
  • "Mara brought a picnic basket filled with egg-salad sandwiches, fruit-filled kolacki cookies that Miss Edith had made, and a thermos of lemonade."
  • "The sisters went inside and saw Madda at the kitchen counter packing a picnic basket with food: peanut butter, her persimmon preserves, half a loaf of homemade bread, and leftover chicken and pasta salad."
  • "The picnic basket proved to contain enough for a banquet, with hams, cold roasts and fowls, fruit, chocolate, and even iced champagne, but Ward contented him-self with a loaf of bread which he ate in handfuls, soaking each bite in rum."