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Definition of "phrased" []

  • Simple past tense and past participle of phrase. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "phrased" in a sentence
  • "HIs present inquiry, as phrased, is not such as to elicit such more illuminating answers, and as such can not have much to say of the nature of socialism."
  • ""Elimination of waste motion," Martin phrased it as he watched and patterned after."
  • "Somewhere between Faust's bartered lease on life and the Count's countless days — between the poet seeking an immortality in phrased voice that he thinks will compensate for his soul's fate and the damned polyglot soul so committed to leaving his body's imprint that poetic justice requires his being hounded down by textual inscription — somewhere between these poles falls the watershed Victorian moment of a long if ultimately posthumous Romanticism."