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Definition of "pearlstone" []

  • Same as perlite. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "pearlstone" in a sentence
  • "I consider even the pearlstone as an unvitrified obsidian: for among the minerals in the"
  • "I consider even the pearlstone as an unvitrified obsidian: for among the minerals in the King's cabinet at Berlin there are volcanic glasses from Lipari, in which we see striated crystalites, of a pearl-grey colour, and of an earthy appearance, forming gradual approaches to a granular lithoid lava, like the pearlstone of Cinapecuaro, in Mexico."
  • "King’s cabinet at Berlin there are volcanic glasses from Lipari, in which we see striated crystalites, of a pearl-grey colour, and of an earthy appearance, forming gradual approaches to a granular lithoid lava, like the pearlstone of Cinapecuaro, in Mexico."