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Definition of "painfull" [painfull]

  • Archaic form of painful. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "painfull" in a sentence
  • "Because if something does go wrong, and you hit the shoulder a 223 (or and expandible broadhead) might not do what they are supposed to do and then the animal is wouded and will probably die a slow and painfull death."
  • "July 20th, 2009 10: 06 am ET it may hurt a bit now to see this healthcare reform thru but it is going to be really painfull lkater without it.!!!! special interests for the for profit insurance industry are spending millions ot lobby and buy congress, it's so shameful. canada is not bankrupt, nor is britain, why should we not be able t manage this as well. stop paying attention to negative lobbying propaganda."
  • "This is a guess but I think they feel it but it is not a very painfull wound."
Words like "painfull"