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Definition of "overstrained" []

  • Simple past tense and past participle of overstrain. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "overstrained" in a sentence
  • "Although Mumbai has a well developed public transport system that includes suburban rail and buses, the network is "overstrained" and so the city also sees a lot of car traffic, which affects air quality."
  • ""We'll find some nice war-work for you presently" ... and meanwhile, the household was short-handed, Mrs. Rainham was overstrained -- Cecilia found later that her stepmother was always "overstrained" whenever she spoke of leaving home -- and duties multiplied about her and hemmed her in."
  • "Harnack -- who has already reviewed his pages in the _Expositor_, and who, to a great extent, adheres to the views which they propound -- admits, notwithstanding, that he has "overstrained" his case, and has adduced as witnesses writers of the second and third centuries of whom it is impossible to prove that they knew anything of the letters attributed to Ignatius."
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