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Definition of "overcrossing" [overcrossing]

  • A bridge designed for pedestrians. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "overcrossing" in a sentence
  • "Literary works by such artists as James and Wharton are famous for how they artistically encircle, circumscribe, the densely overcrossing lines and cracks of multi-dimensional social and emotional "relations," while still preserving those relations 'ramifying complexity."
  • "Mr. McGregor takes several of those vexed Balanchine features - the flexed feet, the hyperextension of individual limbs, and the overcrossing of two or more limbs - and takes them, as Mr. Forsythe did in the 1980s, further."
  • "Hay bales on the truck may have struck the Union Pacific Railroad overcrossing at 17th Street, said Officer Richard Seghieri."