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Definition of "over the left" []

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "over the left" in a sentence
  • "On his back, sitting sideways with both legs over the left side of an embroidered table-cover which served as saddle and saddle-cloth, and held in position by iron supports specially forged in the College workshop and carried by the attendants who were dressed as devils, was the magnificent skeleton of Dirty Dick, until recently an inmate of the Science cupboard at Cartaret."
  • "He had various merchant fleet patches sewn to it, some identifying ships, others ports of call, and he also had the name STRYKER painted in military block letters over the left breast pocket of the jacket."
  • "“Majdal” over the left shoulder supports on the right hip a line of Tatárif or brass cylinders for cartridges: the other cross-belt (Al – Masdar) bears on the left side the Kharízah or bullet-pouch of hide; and the Hizám or waist-belt holds the dagger and extra cartridges."