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Definition of "outgroup" []

  • In cladistics, all the taxa included in a study that do not belong to the ingroup that is of immediate interest. (noun)
  • The group of people who do not belong to one's own social group. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "outgroup" in a sentence
  • "An outgroup is an organism considered not to be part of the group in question, although it is closely related to the group."
  • "You accuse me of going with the crowd but your position is nothing but a relic of religious influences, a mindless and incoherrent dislike of those that are different based on silly superstition and a need to create an 'outgroup' to feel you're better than."
  • "Colorado is part of Nebraska's "outgroup" and visa versa, he said."