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Definition of "ounded" [ound•ed]

  • Wavy; waving; curly. (adjective)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "ounded" in a sentence
  • "The Trial 1947 depicting Ned Kelly in the court room, surr­ounded by the judge, police and jury."
  • "Her formidable presence, her middle age beauty, her awareness of all the tiny absurdities and indignities with which she was surr-ounded, all created an intelligent, observant drama about dislocation and fragility of unshakeable memories."
  • "The purpose of Help for Heroes is to provide decent funding and compensation to those servicemen and women who have beenw ounded in action and who receive little to no help from the Government led by Gordon Brown."