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Definition of "ought to" [ought to]

  • Indicating duty or obligation. (verb)
  • Indicating advisability or prudence. (verb)
  • Indicating desirability. (verb)
  • Indicating likelihood or probability. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "ought to" in a sentence
  • "Paul, speaking to King Agrippa, said, I used to believe that I ought to do everything I could to oppose the followers of Jesus of Nazareth."
  • "+ The legislator may revoke his concession either formally, or implicitly by a contrary law containing the clause "notwithstanding all privileges to the contrary" or even, "notwithstanding all privileges the tenor of which ought to be reproduced textually"."
  • "Public acts, official records, ought to be either the originals (engrossed) or authentic copies, i.e., certified to be faithful copies of the original preserved in the protocol, the notary who transcribes the document witnessing on the copy itself that it is exact; this is what is known as fides instrumentorum, or trustworthiness of the documents."