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Definition of "ostracized" []

  • Simple past tense and past participle of ostracize. (verb)
  • Blackballed (adjective)
  • Banished by ostracism (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "ostracized" in a sentence
  • "Despite the rift between Ms. Kremer at Tea Party Express and Ms. Martin at Tea Party Patriots, both women agree the movement has re-established a place at the table for many Americans who felt ostracized from the political process."
  • "Now, one of the side-effects of how Mennonite and Amish culture works, is that nonconformists/those who are “too curious” end up eventually being completely shunned and ostracized from the entire community."
  • "I do not think rape victims should be jailed if they have an abortion, but the doctors should be punished or at least ostracized from the medical community for performing an abortion."
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