Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "oss" in a sentence
"Men denne avhandlingen og andre rapporter om hvordan mediene utøver sin makt, og hvordan de retter et kritisk søkelys på alle maktinstitusjoner, viser at vi må nærme oss akademia og kritikere med et åpent sinn."
"'Werry good!' says Jimmy, an 'lets fly an' down comes the 'oss' eadfirst, squealin 'like a stuck pig, an' away down 'ill shoots Jerry, rollin' over an 'over, an' then we was on"
"He reiterated the statement that "one on 'em was very tight;" told that he drove them to an hotel in Surrey Street, close to the Embankment, and corrected himself as to the driving, because "You see, gents, it was like this here: the fog was that thick, if you sat on the box you couldn't see the 'oss's tail, let alone his ears, and you had to lead him all the way.""