An ideological system which maintains that God and divine ideas are the first object of our intelligence and the intuition of God's existence the first act of our intellect.(noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
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"Arnold Geulincx 1625-1669 1 developed the ontologism and occasionalism which were latent in the Cartesian separation of mind and matter, and in the Cartesian principle that matter is essentially inert."
"Tongiorgi (d. 1865) set to work to restore Scholastic philosophy, because it was found to be the most effective weapon against the errors of the time, i.e. traditionalism and ontologism, which had a numerous following among Catholic scholars in Italy, France, and"
"In psychology the illuminating and immediate action of God is the origin of our intellectual knowledge (at times it is pure ontologism); and the faculties of the soul are made substantially identical with the soul itself."